Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hygienist Cover Letter What Is The Difference Between A Hygienist And A Dentist??

What is the difference between a hygienist and a dentist?? - hygienist cover letter

Ok I went to a new dentist today because I was not happy with my old one. I have braces and basically I needed a scale and polish, because I (a small plaque / tartar noticed by some media, I had installed 4 months ago).

In any case, the dentist's teeth, says that everything looks good, has X-rays (because I) a new patient, then he told me the scale and polish would have to see the dental hygienist and would cost 40 euros, because an officer not covered by the NHS. Not only that, but it would be at the forefront of the burden on the NHS £ 15.90 check-up will be, he was. I was absolutely furious. In all my experiences with dentists always have my check-up, and scaling and polishing by the dentist today did cost me EUR 15.90 on NHS charges (I am an adult for that matter).

I can not believe that dentists do away with the use of hygienists to work! Fair enough hygienists, private health, NHS, but I am!


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