Saturday, January 16, 2010

Anti Spam Webmail What's The Best Webmail Service For Anti-spam Geeks?

What's the best webmail service for anti-spam geeks? - anti spam webmail

I particularly want to be my mailbox color-coded and organized into sub-folders automatically based on the SIDF and DKIM status of each message, and if I'm in the "To:, Cc: or Bcc:." There is nothing there?


Theoryma... said...

Last year I tried to perform an experiment where I 10.000 spam mails attended all the major webmail services.

Among the three main Yahoo Mail has the best results both in the quantity of waste identified as false positives. Hotmail has been very aggressive, but it contains many false positives, ie electronic landed in your spam folder. Gmail has come between the two.

According to this study, the people my email address from Gmail and send messages to my Yahoo Mail folder so that two spam-filtering stage. Gmail still not me a good number of e-mails on a weekly basis.

I hope that helps.

bce94 said...

Yahoo has a spam folder and nice:, Bcc: and Cc. In addition, you can use, making e-mail is received in some cases do not have your inbox.

catart19... said...

The main program that you use for "all" email account is "pop-pepper." This is several accounts. to 10 I think the best control. You do not have a mail client (your Addy as their primary ISP is ok) for Gmail, Hotmail, AOL and Yahoo.
Well, for spam, you need another program that is the reason that if you are the e-mail and will be "infected" met the song with your e-mail.
That is why it is better to different proggie for spam, email, antivirus, malware and Trojans have
PS even with a good firewall.

sportman said...

I use Gmail. You can also use tags to organize your messages and Colors .. Fight against spam is impressive

FritzzyG said...

I prefer Gmail can be used as a POP3. In this way, can be used offline with a good mail client. So far, free webmail is the best I found. I have Yahoo, Hotmail, Juno, and Gmail accounts and prefer Gmail. It is very reliable spam filter.

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