Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hepatitis C Carrier Does Transmission Of Hepatitis C Happen This Way?

Does transmission of Hepatitis C happen this way? - hepatitis c carrier

Is the transmission of hepatitis C can happen, someone with a ring in your ear, which was conducted by an airline hepatitis C before 3 days? Is hepatitis C remains for 3 days to live? What is the length of life?


Wnt2baFo... said...

All the blood, including blood from cuts may, nosebleeds or even menstrual blood carrying the virus. Hepatitis B or hepatitis C can also can lead by sharing things like toothbrushes, razors, earrings or rubber to be capable enough virus in the blood responsible for the transmission of infections.

Hepatitis C can live normally outside the body and still transmit the infection to room temperature for at least 16 hours but not more than 4 days.

Stephani... said...

the only way of HCV may be replaced by blood, blood can be transmitted to cross-contamination as the proposed scenerios will occur, but remember, if you do not bleed and there was blood on the slopes leading understands nothing.
Blood into the slope and he used, but do not bleed, you do not receive HCV.

HCV - blood for blood!

answerth... said...

The Center for Disease Control's excellent information on hepatitis C.

miatasil... said...

If the person in question does not arise with discomfort at the time, then the answer is no. The only time that the disease can it happen when active. My mother is a carrier and has something for 30 years and some odd, I had not yet

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